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photo of Yuwang City Scenic Area
Photo By: Joanna
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Yuwang City Scenic Area is located in the center of Pilu Cave, with Peaks of Jinjian, Shiqun and Zigai of Southern Mountain surrounding in the southeast, and Zhurong and Xiyang Peak embracing in the southwest; a stream directly pours down into Dragon-Phoenix Pool from Sleeping Dragon Hill. Primeval secondary forest swinging on the right and newly cultivated tea garden locating on the left, wind and sunshine gentle and charming, wild flowers fragrant and vines spreading on the ground, water flowing over the stone and grasses growing in the water; walking in such a wonderful scenery just like walking in the water, grasses and flowers.

Edit by: Joanna
Yuwang City Scenic Area
Martyrs' Shrine
Mirror Grinding ...
The Ancient Town
Zhurong Peak
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